Ghost in the Car
6.56pm 23rd June
When I'm bored at home, this is what I do; take my keys and go off on a journey to KB, chilling out in the car while I'm cruising around.
No matter what the time is...
Because I'm a bit of an insomniac...No matter how early or late I sleep, I tend to wake at the most odd, illogical hours...
Like this morning...Kinda woke up around 4 am...Took my keys and I was off to cruise the hell out...LOL.
So this was what happened...
4.46 am: I was on my way back to Seria and signalled to make a right turn, but I decided against it and just went straight rather abruptly and looked backed just to see if there is any car at the back and if I;ve pissed them of..Huhu...
When I looked back there was a car, can't make out what it was though, maybe an Echo...So it got rather close, mildly tailgating me...Hmm..
So I signalled right for the next junction and looked back through the rear-view and realised the car got closer...
I nade a sharp turn for the junction, because I was rather sleepy and there were no cars...So as soon as I did, I looked back again and the car wasn't there...
Theory 1: The car was at such a high speed that it just passed me when I was turning...Then again, it was rather too close to my car when I was turning and it was as if it was making the turn as well. Also, if the car was speeding it would have slowed down significantly and overtake me from the left in such a speed that I would be able to see it still, taking into account the time I made the turn and looked back was rather short.
Theory 2: Its a freaking ghost.
Theory 3: I am a Taurean, as the Sun was in Taurus when I was born.
Theory 4: I was gangraped by mad pixies, died a horrible death and what is left of me is just a blogging spirit with a screwed up memory. Then again, its rather impossible..To the logical mind.
Theory 5: My housecat Tompok hypnotised me...
So yeah...Hmm...
I have finally managed to make my fettucine sauce smooth...I let the cream cheese soften to room temperature and beaten it till it was smooth and added the milk and mixed it again...
Yay Wan...
I'm in OGDC now, preparing for our Traffic Games Finale rehearsal for tomorrow...Huhu...
Oh well, till later peeps...
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