Karmic Revelations
Where nonsense makes sense simply by not making sense.

Oh yeah, you know what?

I think I've just screwed up my life.

You see, I'm taking Bachelor of Biotechnology. It's a twinning program; 2 years here and 2 years in Windsor, Canada. And the catch is that I need to get an average C+ for my 4 semesters here.

Well...I think you've guessed it. I'm not doing well. I've never cried this much when I think of my future ad academics.

Oh well, they say for all the shit that happens, there is always a reason. Always something good to counter the bad.

All I can do now is wait, and try.


May God hear me...

Do not abandon me.

I will pray not for you to turn back time, to erase my mistakes.

In You I confide, for Thou art Most Gracious.

I fully realise all that is bad comes from me. You have opened so many doors for me and I have been ignorant to choose the right one.

I fully realise no matter how much of my tears fall, not a single one would add a mark to my grade.

Dear God, Most Merciful...

I pray unto Thee, I beseech Thee.

If I fail this course, instill patience into the hearts of my Father, my Mother.

Pour into them your Light, so they may have patience.

Let my Father feel not any dissappointment and sorrow.

Let not my Mother cry a single tear, I ask You to hold back her sadness.

From Thee all goodness come.


I'm going back to Seria today and I've just finished packing up.

And now I have severe induced influenza=, due to the accumulated dust and habuks.

So this blog would probably be on a much longer hiatus since I have no access to the net at home. I'll try blogging by phone huhu....

Finished my exams on the 4th but I was too busy repaying my sleep and looking at the ceiling while lying on the bed for hours.

Ooh ooh, I've got a few things to share with you peeps.

What you are about to read are experiences...umm..experienced by fellow UBDians. My actual plan was to blog it up one by one but I know I won't have the chance back home.

And oh, if you have some stories to tell as well, share it! Huhu...I want more...

And I'm craving for Hamachi Salad Temaki...


Location: UBD
Story-reteller's note: I try my best to keep the stories as original as from how I have heard them. But if you have any other versions, do tell. hehe. And for this one there's two parts...So..Just read...

Prelude: Our magnificent University has a library. (duhh). Hmm..Lemme just make it short; the first and second floors contain general collections and books in relation to the courses UBD has. Now the 3rd floor, is called Bruneiana (ooh~). this is where we keep books by local authors in a well-guarded place (you'd have to make a request at the desk and they will get the book for you). This is also the place where we keep ancient-ish, very a long time ago books, amnuscripts, blas. The Nadir collection. (I've always like this Nadir name..Huhu)

Version one: Da Boy. *lol*

This happened circa this century, on the third floor, Bruneiana. A boy was studying alone when someone, a woman, came up to him.

Woman *in normal Bruneian baju kurung*: Alum kau balik wang? (ur not going home yet?)

Boy: Awu alum, masih banyak kraja ku ah. (No, i still have some work to do.)

Woman: Mau kau dangani aku ke tingkat 4? (do you want to accompany me to the 4th floor)

Boy: Bah mana saja. (ok.)

So they went to the elevator and somehow the 4th floor button was there. And so they went up.

Even the display up the elevator showed 4.

When they arrived, and the elevator opened, all the boy could see was white. Something was terribly wrong. *I assume this is the moment where it occured to him we don't have any 4th floor..Daymn*

The girl beside him was already a 'something'. Long hair, bowed down, and white cloth.

It was miraculous enough that there was a staircase in that floor so he ran down, packed up and left.

*Yeah I know, I think the staircase would make some rather skeptical, but wait till you read the second vers. Heh*


Version 2: Da Gurl.

Same scenario.

Woman came from behind: Alum kau balik dang?

Girl: Banyak kraja ku masih.

Woman: Mau kau dangani aku ke tingkat 4?

This time, the girl was fast enough to realise that there was no 4th floor. And she actually looked over her shoulder to see the woman, in baju kurung, and saw this lady had no feet.

Girl: Bah kan balik tah ku ni, akhir sudah. (i need to go home now, it's late.)




Woman: Tau kau sudah kewujudan ku kah? (so u noe of my existence?)


Daymn ee...Scary faeces rite there, mann.....


Second story.
Location: Faculty of Science parking area.
Time: Dusk. Or was it, anyway it was getting dark.

Two girls was about to go home from FOS, and one of the girls have already went into the car. She realised her friend was still outside, simply standing. So she called out to the other and ask her to come in.

Girl in seat: Bah eh, lajutah. akhir sudah nie, balik tah ketani. (cmon its alredi late, let's go home.)

There wasn't any response from the friend. After much ushering, the other went in. She was quiet in the car and her head was down a little.

Then she started strumming her fingers on the wheel.

And all of the sudden she spoke:

Strumming girl: Inda kau tau kah ani tampat ku? (didn't you know that *this* is my place?)

Not sure if the friend got out of the car, but from my source she called her other friends up, and they arrived to find out the driving girl was possessed.


May I be protected from evil...


Goldfish Salad Temaki

By Shye A.D.

I am putting this blog on hiatus, after long periods of contemplation...



So be it.


Intelligence test.

By Shye A.D.

Your result for Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test ...


57% Logical, 20% Spatial, 12% Linguistic, 29% Intrapersonal, 18% Interpersonal, 14% Musical, 29% Bodily-Kinesthetic and 45% Naturalistic!

click to comment

"This area has to do with logic, abstractions, inductive and deductive reasoning, and numbers. While it is often assumed that those with this intelligence naturally excel in mathematics, chess, computer programming, and other logical or numerical activities, a more accurate definition places emphasis less on traditional mathematical ability and more reasoning capabilities, abstract pattern recognition, scientific thinking and investigation, and the ability to perform complex calculations.
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors and economists." (Wikipedia)

http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/howard-gardners-eight-types-of-intelligence-test Click here to try it urself..Hee~~



By Shye A.D.

Next question: You are so dumb that you poured cold water, of which you thought you boiled already, onto your instant tea mix and now you want to heat it. Assume that the system does not allow you to throw away the mixture.

Solution: Go to the kitchen and submerge half the cup into a pot of boiling water and stir at short intervals until hot enough. You can get the boiling water by putting water into a suitable pot and bring to boil for your Indomee, then decide against making the Indomee since you menyamal-ed due to the non-existence of a fooking pair of scissors.


Nothin much today..except for...Hee~...

- Studied

- Planning to get a haircut from ^_^::, pandai menggunting yoo~~...

- Onion rings, hot dogs and chips for breakfast, Corned beef fried rice and Mee Mamak for late lunch, begayut on the phone for dinner.

Hmm...Haven't got any idea on anything particular to blog about...I haven't spent much time pondering these few days..Too occupied..Huhu..

I guess I'll have lots of time to ponder after the exams..

I need a shower before begayuting on the phone...



Beanie on my head.

By Shye A.D.

I couldn't go online the whole day till just now because Wave was fooked up for some reason. And I've got a Beanie!! TQ Tengx~ Haa...

I miss my Mom ee~~...And her mysteriously mystical hands....Every time I go back home I'd snuggle up to Mom's lap and ask for a head massage, even if I don't have a headache..Hee...

I think that can stop me from melatah-ing. just massage my head...Because I'd instantly go to La La land and go uuhhh~~


Woke up around six, slept again...Woke up again at 11.57 am, and I slept again...Finally woke up around 12.07 pm...Huu..

Was rolling around my bed (hee~~) for a while, then I turned on my laptop to go online and fook, I couldn't sign in to Wave so I couldn't go online...Bleurgh...

Went down to order breakfast, Fish n Chips for...*wink wink* and grilled chicken burger with onion rings for me...

When I picked my order up 45 minutes after and returned to my room, I found out they gave me the normal burger and freakin fat fries rather than what I ordered...

I want Onion Rings!! *makes a sad, pouty face and teary puppy eyes*

Seriously waa....T__T

I really wanted to eat onion rings...More than sushi...


Realising I hadn't eaten any today as I type this is bumming me out...@.@

Ia datang isok tu Wan...

Ok, I'm happy again.Hee~

But I feel tired...And there's not much I could blog about today...Hmm...

Oh well..



Rahsia Bulan dan Kelahiran
Berikut disenaraikan kajian mengenai bulan dan sikap anda, yang telah dijalankan olehYang Berbahagia Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah.

* Bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius, suka mendidik dan dididik.
*Sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik.
*Rajin dan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan.
*Suka pada kecantikan, kekemasan dan teratur.
* Bersifat sensitif dan berfikiran mendalam.
*Pandai mengambil hati orang lain.
* Pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang.
* Agak pemalu dan mempunyai daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi.
* Mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri.
* Badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema.
* Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai memperlihatkannya.
* Cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak.
* Suka duduk di rumah.
* Setia pada segala-galanya.
* Perlu belajar kemahiran bersosial.
* Sifat cemburu yang sangat tinggi

* Berfikiran abstrak.
* Sukakan benda yang realiti dan abstrak.
* Bijak dan pintar
* Berpewatakan yang mudah berubah.
* Mudah menawan orang lain.
* Agak pendiam.
* Pemalu dan rendah diri.
* Jujur dan setia pada segalanya.
* Keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat.
* Tidak suka dikongkong.
* Mudah memberontak apabila dikongkong.
* Suka kegiatan yang lasak.
* Emosinya mudah terluka dan sangat sensitif.
* Mudah mempamerkan marahnya.
* Tidak suka benda yang remeh-temeh.
* Suka berkawan tapi kurang mempamerkannya.
* Sangat berani dan suka memberontak.
* Bercita-cita tinggi, suka berangan-angan dan ada harapan untuk merealisasikan impiannya.
* Pemerhatian yang tajam.
* Suka hiburan dan sukan.
* Suka benda yang bersifat seni.
* Sangat romantik pada dalaman tetapi tidak pada luaran.
* Berkecenderungan pada benda yang tahyul.
* Amat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlalu boros.
* Belajar untuk mempamerkan emosi

* Berpesonaliti menarik dan menawan.
* Mudah didampingi.
* Sangat pemalu dan pemendam rasa.
* Sangat baik secara semulajadi, jujur pemurah dan mudah simpati.
* Sangat sensitif pada perkataan yang dituturkan dan alam persekitaran.
* Suka pada kedamaian.
* Sangat peka pada orang lain.
* Sesuai dengan kerjaya yang memberi khidmat kepada orang lain.
* Tidak cepat marah dan sangat amanah.
* Tahu membalas dan mengenang budi.
* Pemerhatian dan penilaian yang sangat tajam.
* Kecenderungan untuk berdendam jika tidak dikawal.
* Suka berangan-angan.
* Suka melancong.
* Sangat manja dan suka diberi perhatian yang sangat tinggi.
* Kelam kabut dalam memilih pasangan.
* Suka dengan hiasan rumahtangga.
* Punya bakat seni dalalm bidang muzik.
* Kecenderungan pada benda yang istimewa dan baik.
* Jangan terlalu mengikut selera atau perasaan

* Sangat aktif dan dinamik.
* Cepat bertindak membuat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal.
* Sangat menarik dan pandai menjaga diri.
* Punya daya mental yang sangat kuat.
* Suka diberi perhatian.
* Sangat diplomatik (pandai memujuk ).
* Berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah orang.
* Sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut.
* Suka perkara yang mencabar, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah.
* Emosi cepat terusik.
* Cuba kawal perasaan.
* Kecenderungan bersifat pendendam.
* Agresif dan kelam kabut dalam membuat keputusan.
* Kuat daya ingatan.
* Gerak hati yang sangat kuat.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan orang lain.
* Berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada.
* Sangat cemburu dan terlalu cemburu

* Keras hati & degil.
* Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi.
* Pemikiran yang tajam.
* Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal.
* Pandai menarik hati & perhatian orang lain .
* Perasaan yang amat mendalam.
* Cantik dari segi mental & fizikal.
* Tidak perlu dimotivasikan.
* Tetap pendirian, tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain.
* Mudah dipujuk.
* Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri).
* Suka berangan.
* Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu.
* Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit.
* Daya khayalan yang tinggi.
* Permikiran yang tajam.
* Pandai berdebat.
* Fizikal yang baik.
* Kelemahan sistem pernafasan.
* Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong.
* Tidak berapa suka duduk di rumah.
* Tidak boleh duduk diam.
* Tidak punya ramai anak.
* Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi.
* Agak boros

* Berfikiran jauh & berwawasan.
* Mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik.
* Berperangai lemah lembut.
* Mudah berubah sikap, perangai, idea dan mood.
* Idea yang terlalu banyak di kepala.
* Bersikap sensitif.
* Mempunyai pemikiran yang aktif (sentiasa berfikir).
* Sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera.
* Bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh.
* Bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yang terbaik.
* Cepat marah & cepat sejuk.
* Suka bercakap & berdebat.
* Suka buat lawak & bergurau.
* Otaknya cerdas berangan-angan.
* Mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan.
* orang yang sangat tertib.
* Pandai mempamerkan sikap.
* Mudah kecil hati.
* Mudah kena selsema.
* Suka berkemas.
* Cepat rasa bosan.
* Sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet.
* Kurang mempamerkan perasaan.
* Lambat untuk sembuh apabila terluka hati.
* Suka pada barang yang berjenama.
* Mudah menjadi eksekutif.
* Kedegilan yang tidak terkawal.
* Sesiapa yang memuji, dianggap musuh. Siapa yang menegur dianggap kawan.

* Sangat suka didamping.
* Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki.
* Agak pendiam kecuali dirangsang.
* Ada harga dan maruah diri.
* Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan.
* Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus.
* Sangat menjaga hati orang lain.
* Sangat peramah.
* Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya.
* Berjiwa sentimental.
* Jarang berdendam.
* Mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan.
* Tidak suka benda remeh-temeh.
* Membimbing cara fizikal dan mental.
* Sangat peka, mengambil berat dan mengasihi serta penyayang.*
Layanan yang serupa terhadap semua orang.
* Tinggi daya simpati.
* Pemerhatian yang tajam.
* Suka menilai orang lain melalui pemerhatian.
* Mudah dan rajin belajar.* Suka muhasabah diri.
* Suka mengenangkan peristiwa atau kawan lama.
* Suka mendiamkan diri.
* Suka duduk di rumah.
* Suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan.
* Tidak agresif kecuali terpaksa.
* Lemah dari segi kesihatan perut.
* Mudah gemuk kalau tak kawal diet.
* Minta disayangi.
* Mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih.
* Terlalu mengambil berat.
* Rajin dalam membuat kerja

* Suka berlawak.
* Mudah tertawan padanya.
* Sopan santun dan mengambil berat terhadap orang lain.
* Berani dan tidak tahu takut.
* Orangnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan.
* Pandai memujuk orang lain.
* Terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego.
* Nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi.
* Dahagakan pujian.
* Semangat juang yang luar biasa.
* Cepat marah & mudah mengamuk.
* Mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan.
* Sangat cemburu.
* Daya pemerhatian yang tajam & teliti.
* Cepat berfikir.* Fikiran yang berdikari.
* Suka memimpin & dipimpin.
* Sifat suka berangan.
* Berbakat dalam seni lukis, hiburan & silat.
* Sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk.
* Cepat sembuh apabila ditimpa penyakit.
* Belajar untuk bertenang.
* Sikap kelam kabut.
* Romantik, pengasih dan penyayang.
* Suka mencari kawan

* Sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur.
* Sangat cermat, teliti & teratur.
* Suka menegur kesilapan orang lain & mengkritik.
* Pendiam tapi pandai bercakap.
* Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik & mudah simpati.
* Sangat perihatin & terperinci, amanah, setia & jujur.
* Kerja yang dilakukan sangat sempurna.
* Sangat sensitif yang tidak diketahui.
* orang yang banyak berfikir.
* Daya pentaakulan yang baik.
* Otak bijak & mudah belajar.
* Suka mencari maklumat.
* Kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri.
* Mudah memahami orang lain kerana banyak menyimpan rahsia.
* Suka sukan, hiburan & melancong.
* Kurang menunjukkan perasaannya.
* Terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan.
* Terlalu memilih pasangan.
* Sukakan benda yang luas.
* Bersistematik

* Suka berbual.
* Suka orang yang sayang padanya.
* Suka ambil jln tengah.
* Sangat menawan & sopan santun.
* Kecantikan luar & dalam.
* Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura.
* Mudah rasa simpati, baik dan mementingkan kawan.
* Sentiasa berkawan.
* Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama.
* Cepat marah.
* Macam pentingkan diri sendiri.
* Tidak menolong orang kecuali diminta.
* Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri.
* Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain.
* Emosi yang mudah terusik.
* Suka berangan & pandai bercakap.
* Emosi yang kelam kabut.
* Daya firasat yang sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan).
* Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni.
* Pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut.
* Romantik dalam percintaan.
* Mudah terusik hati & cemburu.
* Ambil berat tentang orang lain.
* Suka kegiatan luar.
* orang yang adil.
* Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran.
* Mudah patah semangat

* Banyak idea dalam perkara.
* Sukar untuk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya.
* Berfikiran kehadapan.
* Berfikiran unik dan bijak.
* Penuh dengan idea-idea baru yang luarbiasa.
* Pemikiran yang tajam.
* Daya firasat yang sangat halus dan tinggi.
* Sesuai jadi seorang doktor.
* Cermat dan teliti.
* Personaliti yang dinamik.
* Sifat yang berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia.
* Banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra.
* Berani, pemurah setia dan banyak kesabaran.
* Terlalu degil dan keras hati.
* Apabila berkehendak sesuatu, akan diusahakan sehingga berjaya.
* Tak suka marah kecuali digugat.
* Mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain.
* Pandai muhasabah diri.
* Cara berfikir yang lain dari orang lain.
* Otak yang sangat tajam.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri.
* Tidak hargai pujian.
* Kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yang sangat tinggi apabila berkehendak sesuatu.
* Cuba sampai berjaya.
* Badan yang sasa.
* Kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam dan romantik.
* Tidak pasti dengan hubungan kasih sayang.
* Suka duduk d irumah.
* Sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi.
* Amanah, jujur, setia dan pandai berahsia.
* Tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi.
* Bercita-cita tinggi.
* Perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah

* Sangat setia dan pemurah.
* Bersifat patriotik.
* Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan.
* Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa.
* Bercita-cita tinggi.
* Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam organisasi.
* Seronok bila didampingi.
* Suka bercampur dengan orang.
* Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan dibelai.
* Sangat jujur, amanah dan bertolak ansur.
* Tidak pandai berpura-pura.
* Cepat marah.
* Perangai yang mudah berubah-ubah.
* Tidak ego walaupun harga dirinya sangat tinggi.
* Benci pada kongkongan.
* Suka berlawak.
* Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran logik .

~tengok siapa diri anda yang sebenar...~




By Shye A.D.

Question: How do you keep food warm when you are in a sad, poorly facilitated residential college? i.e No microwave. Explain your answer.

Answer: Put all foodstuff in a plastic bag. Take another plastic bag, relatively bigger than the one containing food and put it all in, make a nice tie and put under blanket. This is called the "Triple Air Insulation Technique'

click to comment
Diagrammatic scheme of Triple Air Insulation

Air is a good insulator then any other phases because the molecules are furthest apart and hence trannsfer of heat is slow.


I just need to kepp it warm till 10-ish..Or till +1 comes..Hee~~

Woke up rather early again, despite the day being a Sunday. Looked at my laptop and read the IMs sent while I was asleep. ILU2~

Major events today:

- Massive Purification and Cleansing of the Unclean Laundry.

- Massive Purification and Cleansing of the Pillow, the Paluk and the Smaller Paluk-Pillow.

- Lesser Cleansing Ritual of the Floor.

Major Upcoming events today:

- Hee...*wide ear-to-ear smile on a lovestruck face*

Major Upcoming events in life:

- Semester III Examinations. on the 29th of this month, and 2,3,4 of next month.

- KK Trip.

I'm not sure if I'm putting this blog on Hiatus due to the exams yet. My right brain is still in a hot discussion with my left brain over the issue.

I wanted to fry some chips for breakfast this morning but he oil I use was infested with bugs. They were dead already though. But still...


So I poured it all down the drain and just went for Indomee instead...Ugh...

I wanted chips for breakfast...

Hmm...I might go shopping tomorrow.. kan Lee? Kan? Kan?

So, Grocery List:

- A hell lot of onion rings.

- Cooking oil.

- Scissors.

- Penapis aka Coriander...According to Lee, its called that in English...The one I bought recently got stolen.

May Karma be accelerated. So be it.

Laper ehh...


May I Be Forgiven...

By Shye A.D.

May Karma hear me.

May Karma be accelerated.

May Karma be accelerated and instigate justice.

May Karma manifest itself into an invisible force and push down unto you, Fucked up One, a heavy ugly-as-you gargoyle statue and smush you into a pile of freaky mushed trash you deserve to be.

May Karma be accumulated and shower down upon you immeasurable pain and misfortune forty times forty days.

May Karma possess your racket and break your Minangkabau fingers as you play.

May Karma hit you straight on your Immensely Dumb-looking Face and ruin your very life for stealing and overly manipulating my once good friend.

May Karma be distributed during its wrath unto all those associating with you as you do foul acts, Fucked up One.

May Karma shower down the same unto you, O Fake Brother.

May Karma be accelerated and carry my words with it.

So Be It.


Uhuh..Yeah. LOL.

By Shye A.D.

1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now

2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture

3. Post that picture with no editing

4. Post these instruction with your picture

5. Tag 5 people to do this
Sexy saya toh. Ahaa...Sapa suka angkat tangan...Bowh..Bah Bah...
Umm Foo, Airuuullll, LcK, Chia Chi andd...umm....sapa ah...Syazaaa~~~~


5.54 am - *groans* 6 mins more till the alarm rings...

6.12 am - *Senjakala out loud* The first ting, I mean thing, that came to my mind was...T_T.

Nda lagi lama...

Then came the onion rings. So I rolled around a bit, basking in the new day, and then went to the toilet and then straight to the kitchen to heat up the oil, back into my room and blog-hopped while waiting. Hmm...This will be the second post in such a short time..

Went to the kitchen and fried the last 7even pieces of my onion rings. Oh well...

7.20 am - *munching up the last bits of breakfast, downing it with yoghurt* I have to say, I've been rather indulgent this past few days and yesterday night, when I was happily begayuting, aside from my grumbling stomach, I felt rather sick-ish. Apa nya urang, mual-mual ah...

I think I'm pregnant...

Jeng Jeng Jeng Jennnggggg~~~.....

Or rather Teng Teng Teng Tennngggg~~~......


Hmm...Does that mean I have to shop for the new clothes? *ponders*


Went to FOS around 8.30 am and lepaked with Zatil, Anis and Hiong. And we ate this Fox biscuit while brooding on our fate on the impending Cell Biochem test at 9.00 am...

Twas a Flunk Fest...

Ugh...I feel so ashamed of myself when I handed in my paper...Some of my mojo is still missing. Used to be that person who is failure-phobic.

Oh well, there is still time to change.

And I got a freakin F for my Physics practical notebook. It didnt mean a fail though, just unsatifactory. The gradings are as follows:

A : Yeah, I don't have to elaborate...

B: Good, perhaps...

C: Satisfactory still...

F: Missing a few things.

Realise there is no D and E? Heh, K.K Lai is so compassionate...

Lepaked again outside FOS and the others bought food, and I went after the leftovers. Lol. Then it was the library, I stopped by at the foodstalls, of which today was the last day, and bought ABC.

Shoved it in my bag and smuggled it up to the 2nd floor of the library. Muahaha...I think I looked suspicious all the way...

Stayed in the discussion room till around 12.18 pm and went to FOS, and got Hiong her ABC before that. Was supposed to go with Anis to pick up stuff, and Hiong reminded me of our Physics tutorial. Huhu...I thought I'd be free after the test..

Tutorial went quite okay...Did you know any two given bodies within this Universe attracts each other? Yeah...It's like I can just stand near a big, white polar bear and both of us will be experiencing an attractive force that'll tend to pull us closer. But the thing is, the net value is soo small, or infinitesimal, that we don't feel it. Huhu...

I don't think this explains the 'Come Hither' aura some people have though..That works on a different mechanism alltogether...Huhu..

The it was the Birthday Surprise Party thing! We were celbrating the belated and advanced birthdays of Mukee, Qayyum, Dayat, Moon and Ezaty...And instead of the traditional cake, they decided on cupcakes~~...

Minute multicoloured cute little tasty cupcakes...Huu...









Oh yeah, Mukee and +! shares the same birth date. So I took the pic of the cupcake with Mukee's number on it and sent it to +1 and wished a belated b'day. Hee~~

I actually edited this post to make the above coloured thing..Forgot to do it in the first place hee...

The mempoklen for a while before beaching at Berakas.

My jeans are sandy..And so is the floor of my room...Huu...I wanted to take a nice dip at the beach but I didn't brin anything suitable. The waves were rather high though, so it didn't seem much of a good idea anyway...

My room is so much of a mess...Massive Purification and Cleansing Ceremony pending...

So, plans for tonight:

- Take a nice, long shower.

- Not eat. Just fluids.

- Perform pre-cleansing ritual before tomorrow on my room.

- Rearrange notes bit by bit.

- Yoga: Moon Salutations - 9 rounds (because +1 was born in Sep.) Hee~~...I should do this before showering...

- Make a nice, warm cup of Alitea before my slumber and look forward to tomorrow. Huhu~
You should too...

M out.


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Itchy Palms.

By Shye A.D.

Huh..Woke up rather early...8.03 am...

I knew I would be bored if I stayed at the hostel for the whole day so I texted up Lee and asked what time will they be going to the Beach Carnival and I want to tag along...

8.37 - I have around 30 mins to get ready...

I wished *she* was here...So I could go Heeleeeeennn!! I'm famished!! Make me Indomee!!

Lols...Yeah yeah, inside joke...

Had Genetics test yesterday, then I went back to hostel to become a bini mithali and cook. Haha Wan...And daymn, I'm enjoying this role...Wow!! My thigh is itchy...

8.43 am - I think I'll just have instant teh tarik for breakfast...I really should be showering now.

*boils water while missing ***** Ahaa...* Peberet nya tia lagi nie Alitea ani...Haish...

8.47 am - My water is boiled!! Hee...

*enjoys his Alitea*

8.49 am - Okay, I need to shower...

9.33 am - Fuh, I'm done. Now I shall wait for Lee...

1.41 pm - Ok, it turned out that Lee needs to babysit so we didn't go to Muara Beach early as planned.

Just woke up from a power nap...Uhuu...It also turned out I *need* to be there, because my Yoga club is short of people for a Yoga demo. The charity was cancelled because the instructor we invited couldn't make it.

*looks again at bloated self*

I am soo wearing that thermal belt to hide this stupid saturn tummy in.

Ate Indomee for my second round of breakfast...Reminded me of...Hmm...T_T



Ooh Ohh...Mina is IMing me...






Owk, Mina is picking me up in 30 mins...Ngaa

Hasten, Wan!!

7.54 pm- Wooh, just got back from Muara. Thanx Lee for sending me back from whence I came. Bowh. Lols...

I shall shower first before I continue on...


8.12 pm - Haa..I feel freshh..Huhu...

We hung out at this Ceri Cafe in Muara right after the beach thing. Fuh~...Wan became the instructor for the Yoga session...Yay Wan...Ahaa...

I have to hand in my Physics assignment and my lab report tomorrow...Huu...

Thanx Hiong for the reminder~!

Time for me to go to work then..Huhu...


Beyond the Horizon

By Shye A.D.

Okay, I just need that Organics test paper back then I would know if my mojo is back.

Hope I scored good...Relative to the time I spent on studying for the test. It wouldn't be an A, no doubts on that...I just need the mark to analyse my state of mind now.

Dear God, I have procrastinating, ever so terribly...Was in my mini Yoga session when I realised the source of this evil...

Daymn, my code of princples are again tested.

Sabar Ina, baik tah sudah 10 tu, abang mu ani dari Ari Raya nada apa-apa nie beb...

All along I was thingking of my siblings and the financial status of my family...At the back of my head, I was pondering on them, maybe non-stop, I'm not so sure...

Sometimes I think the achievements I have so far would be good enough for me to stop now and help out the business. I know continuing on would be far more beneficial for both the family and me, but the fact that they need help now is just so tempting. To just stop now...

This happy-go-luckyness facade is wearing off...My source of stability and security is tested yet again, and without realising it I'm losing...

My Way of Stress-Banishing through Proper Deduction of Situation And Maintaining the Sanctity of Clarity of Mind is shaken...

Yeah, I just named that...Though I have been holding to it ever since form 5, That was when the 'Ping-Peaw within the Bloodline incident' occured...It was an automatic response to maintain stability of the house. It took me 5 months of wallowing in depression though before I reached that state.

Amongst those within the Way are:

- To establish the True Priority, caring not what is outside the System that would not be able to affect the System effectively. This narrows down what or who to focus on in achieving the True Priority.

- To practice perfect belief in 'prolonged stress in unnecessary'. Such that:

The state of mind rules absolutely. Mental pain is not hurtful, as long as the mind thinks it can handle, achieved by virtue of perfectly believing that wallowing in stress clouds the mind, pulling oneself into dwelling in a problem, and to avoid stereotypes as it leads to a stagnant and narrow mind. Stress should be used instead as a guide to the source of the problem, as a driving force to reach a solution. This allows one to practice the ability of disallowing obstacles to impede the clarity of mind by analysing the state of mind, and deduce a proper solution and hold on to it until teh True Priority is achieved.

-"You practice what you believe, right?" Mr. Nyiau (Physics Tutor Form 6) et al.-

I shall call this 'Attainment of the Diamond Mind'. Muahaha...Further benefits would include a positive-minded self and decreased blood pressure.

Yoga-ing further on made me realise I have far deviated from my Way.

Get your mojo back Wan...

Blessed be.


Paning Me Baby~

By Shye A.D.

Eee....I hate headaches...It's like this silent, pressurising, resonating 'wong wong~' thing in my head that goes 'wong wong' silently and it sort of puts an on and off pressure at the back of my head.

How is that possible?

Yeah well, I guess headaches are meant to be that way...

Or maybe I just don't know how to explain headaches...

Oh well, I'm not in Biomed so that's normal. And according to my Genetics lecturer, I'm leading a miserable life just because I want to focus on the field of medicine, and I've taken the wrong course, Biotechnology, of which I should have taken Biomed.

Can't I still go into medicine wth Biotech? I thought it was a broad thing, applicable to even many more things...

Oh well, if the lecturer, They Who Are Logically More Experienced with Life, says I'm miserable, then I may just be. Haha...

She was asking people around the table during tutorial about what we want to be...Turned out many more people were in the same miserable, shabby boat I was in. Haha...Because the things we are taking up now in Uni aren't exactly close to whatever that we want to be...


Oh well...

Nowadays, the courses you need to consider are the ones that have a future i.e. you are sure you'd get a decent job with it. It'll just be a bonus if these courses turn out to be what you so desire.

Wow...I still remember what those nice ladies from Ripas said..hee...

Heh..I actually stopped typing this halfway...I've just got back from my study group...

Test on Thermodynamics tomorrow...Ugh..

And I'll be coming in unprepared..Again...

Daymn eh...


Thursday is going to be another big day..Heheee...

And maybe tagging along with the other peeps for retail therapy on Friday...And swimming on Saturday..

Jangantah ingau...Inda lamas tu..Diri ani ada kali ah...Ahaa....

Aanyway...Organic Chem test on Thurs...I should b able to cope with that...Hopefully...huu...

And I'll have to go for a Yoga session tomorrow for practice on our The Mall demo...Gawd...

My flabby self exposed....


And now I'm tired....bubye...


ZOMG Wan! You have left this blog for so loonnggg...

Oh well... Just bought this $20 Wave card...Which would last for about a month...Hopefully...

As for my life so far...



*makes an ear to ear, goofy,lovestruck smile*


I still haven't got my car back..I miss my Swift-babe....T_T

Exam is coming up and I'm not so sure if I'm coping up so well...This is horrible...This is seriously my last chance to get my grade up if I want to fly ot Canada...

Just got back from Mall and shopped for deodorant and detergent. And I'm hungry.


*looks at bloated tummy*


I'm a freaking man-sloth creature-thing...

And now I'm sleepy...

So much for and update...Haa....

Yeah well...

I'm seriously tired...

Special thanks to Mok Rham and Koo Yham, the we-will-save-you-from-boredom knights of the night...Lols...

Spent quite a lot of thinking in my alone time...Ever since the incident...

The thing that was...

A story unfinished...

*The* Incident...

Changed the way on how I treat my heart, the way I look at life and chance...It made an impact so devastating at first...

Yeah well...Since it was you...It isn't really much of a surprise how strong the impact could be...

It lingers, not matter how much I try. I'm keeping it hidden inside rather than letting it go, when it surfaces I still break down...

My principles, my limits..All shaken...

Because it's you...

It was all actually one long nightmare...The one that starts out all nice and sweet, and then a jackhammer smashes you down in the end...

Well, if it's just a nightmare, a dream, then all I have to do is wake up, right?

It was then *you* came...Nudging me gently, calling for me...Till one of my eyes open up...

I'm still tired from the long sleep, scared from the long nightmare...The lngering fear...It's just so safe to be in this bed....

But *you* are still here...All bleached and blond...The shine of silver across your features...

With all your compassion, affection and warmth...

I'm slowly waking up, it'll be soon when I fully realise reality again...

As you bathe me with practicality and sense...

So very soon...

And I thank you...

My Pierced Virgo...


Pondering on precepts.

By Shye A.D.


Want to save money?

Go get into an accident...Lol.

Seriously, I'm still alive, financially speaking, up to this date...and counting...

I'm not anticipating on going on a shopping spree when I get back home tomorrow though.

It might be beneficial to my economic side, but it has gotten the best out of my spirit, so I am deprived of the Hari Raya mood...Daymn...Amongst other things...

It's not like I will allow myself to wallow in the filth of depression all the way, I plan to summon up all that I have on the first Raya and celebrate it, living in the assumption of all is well in my life, for just that one day and bask in the light of victory and overwhelming joy.

Yes. All hail Wan.

I might just like the feeling and keep it up the whole way...

I beseech Thee, O God...


Of My car...







It's me....

...*opens one eye...*...Huh?

*A glorious light of silver shone through my eyelids*

It's okay...It's just me...

..Uh?..Babe?...Dat you?...

Hey..Finally, you prick...Heheh...C'mon get ur ass off...

God, it's you!...And you look...okay....

Heh, yeah...Well, in reality I'm not though...I feel naked...Lols...They took off my bumper, back *and* front! Not a good feeling...And I still feel sticky with the sand and mud and dirt on...I think I still have ur blood stain..Ewww...Even though it's from you..Still...Ewwwwww.....Haha..U okay from the cut?

*Overwhelmed* Oh Swift-babe, I miss you! Well, kinda...It has healed...I'm still in depression though...And I miss cruising around with you~...

Lets just hope we meet soon...I miss you too, ya know...

Wow, I thought you'd be angry...And jam your brakes and send my head flying off the car when you have the chance...

Well~...I *did* think of something similar...Huhu...But..Naahh~~..Heheh...Felt good to see you after three weeks of being alone in Kilanas...I knew you care...

Duhh~~...You *are* mine...technically...It's a moral obligation..heheh..I think Dad is arranging ur insurance so all should be fine by now..Hopefully...I just need to find where I can get money if the need to pay an excess ever comes..Of which I feel is inevitable..

You'll find a way...You love me..Hee...Well..Gotta go...was thinkin of you so I decided to pay a visit...It's not like I won't see you again, right?

Aww...Your sweet...I still feel guilty not taking care of you...

It's okay...

I miss you...

I know, ehee...see you soon Wan...And sorry this had to be short...We'll spend more time in the future, rest assured...


*wakes up from an imaginary situation*

Ugh...My brain is screwed...



Sungkai moments.

-Excapade. [Zaty, Friend of Zaty, Anis, Me] Huu, I ate $25 worth of food, so did Anis. Weird thing was, Zaty and friend ate and paid $25 too, for them both...Blergh...

-Misato. [Mousse, Rooney, Me] Imagine this: Three people, and a standard Misato 4-person table, with just less than 10% of space left on the table by the time it started to Baduk. And bottomless bandung.

-Mutiah Rest. [D&Ds + Friends] Table kami ali-aliiii~~~...T_T....And that *Thing* was an eyesore...Muahaha...Thou art of pure evil, Wan...

-Gripps [Rune, Muse, Me] Chicken Shish-kebab with Spicy BBQ sauce and Chicken Tamamimi-watever Udon + Teh C Special.

-Empire [Ronie's Fam, Mose, Me] Rooneeyy~~...I still owe you...Huhuu....I shall pay you on monthly installments of 3 kupangs x 60 months free of any involvement of any banks and any occult group. But since this is illogical so it's not feasible.

-Capers. Thiswas today. [Anis, Lee, Hiong, Moose, Shahlooney, Your Great Bodhisattva-wannabe, Syaz, Muiz, Zul, *counts names to see if he's left any1*, yeap...] - Ma sakit ang ulo ku manung go piza penceta tuh. Ahaa...Hiong said {'He practically lives on olive oil!" or something close, but still the meaning didn't change} they have this teacher, or someone else, who practically lives on olive oil and maintains a healthy life. So you could imagine this guy living in a pool of the oil at home, drink it, make it the medium of life, swim in it all day and have some bottled up as lotion under the table in the staffroom. Nice...It'slike a fountain of youth...if you don't mind the oily feeling. Thanx Hiong for the tip. You *did* mean it dis way rite?

Went to Qlap Mall after that...
-went to this DVD shop...Saw some cool horror dvds...Didn't buy them though, I just like reading the synopsis...Same thing happens when I shop for toilettries (is this spelled rite?)...I'd spend my time readin the benefits and the labels on the various products..Huhuhu...Is this some kind of complex voyeurism syndrome thing?
-then ada dis very annoying MC (to me) at that mall doing some sort of a lucky draw.
-went bak to hostel.
-blogging sampai kan mati. Bloghopped as well, Lisyah's blog is so yellooww~~...

Kali kali kan....

Jeng jeng jeng.


Maybe twas fate?

A secret unleashed.

But I was prepared, surprisingly.

Disperse Thy Evil...

Should I?

Retribution. Malice. Release of perdition, the wrath. Acts of vengeance.

Evil is not good Wan...

Now is it?


Well~..You need to make sure first. If it really is as is, whatever that shit means, then you would have a reason. *Then* it'll be called Retribution, free of Evil, a force of nature...A law of the world.

Nice thinking. I like toh. But...

?! You're but-ing?

Its just too normal...Predictable....Maybe I should just let it go. And re-interpret those signs. Hate is not good. Revenge is sweet, but still...

Damn, you changed. Shit. Booriinggg...

Hey! I haven't decided on anything yet!


Damn it.

You should realise you're going insane too, cos you are talking to yourself...

The hell! Stop it!

I should and think while I'm at it...

The next day, which is now, 28th.

Woke up rather early...6.15.

Panyaped the barangs. Blogged. Mandied. Off me go to Seria.

It'll be a one week holiday, so this blog mayy be subject to hiatus, depending on my luck hunting for Wifis at home.

Selamat Hari Raya Peeps...In advance...Not that I'm shooing off Ramadhan so I can enjoy myself for Raya..Lika many Bruneians. Counting it down, playing Raya songs on the first Ramadhan week...Seriously, this Raya thing is to celebrate victory over the whatnots and people are too busy pre=celebrating it and forgetting the real thing. It's cliche but still...Think Man...Especially the countdowns...Daymn...

And this song...Its just too inappropriate at this time...

Berlalulah sudaahh~~ Ramadhan. Sebulan berpuasaaa~~....

Shit lah ko. Alum lagi abis ni bui, udah tia kan mengalau. Shit shit.

Verily, you are fasting Wan.

Banar kali ah! Like, what in the seven levels of hell man...

Bah inda apa.


I feel so orthodox, and I'm not sure if that's the right word. Lols.

See Yous in the next post. And Happy Holidays to us proud UBDeans. Mudahan jua bini2 exMD atu yg memburuki UBD atu slamat dunia akhirat. Asak tah kau nah. pa kah abarnya. Menggilat lantai Harrod's d UK kali ya..

Adang tah ko ke jiwa ani eh! Mandi tah wah! Nda jua bebali ni karang brg d rumah atu mun kau akhir balik! Shyt eh. You prick.


Prisoner of Love

By Shye A.D.

It's been...4 months++ and I'm still addicted to this...

I’m a prisoner of love
Prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love
I’m just a prisoner of love
A prisoner of love

heiki na kao de uso wo tsuite
waratte iyake ga sashite
raku bakari shiyou to shite ita

naimononedari buru-su
mina yasuragi wo motomete iru
michitariteru noni ubaiau
ai no kage wo otte iru

taikutsu na mainichi ga kyuu ni kagayakidashita
anata ga arawareta ano hi kara
kodoku demo tsurakutemo heiki da to omoeta
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love
Prisoner of love
Prisoner of love
I’m a prisoner of love

yameru toki mo sukoyaka naru toki mo
arashi no hi mo hare no hi mo tomo ni ayumou

I’m gonna tell you the truth
hitoshirezu tsurai michi wo erabu
watashi wo ouen shite kureru
anata dake wo tomo to yobu

tsuyogari ya yokubari ga muimi ni narimashita
anata ni ai sareta ano hi kara
jiyuu demo yoyuu demo hitori ja munashii wa
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Oh mou sukoshi da yo
Don’t you give up
Oh misutenai zettai ni
zankoku na genjitsu ga futari wo hikisakeba
yori issou tsuyoku hikareau
ikura demo ikura demo ganbareru ki ga shita
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

arifureta nichijou ga kyuu ni kagayakidashita
kokoro wo ubawareta ano hi kara
kodoku demo tsurakutemo heiki da to omoeta
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

I’m a prisoner of love
Prisoner of love
Prisoner of love
I’m just a prisoner of love
I’m a prisoner of love

Stay with me, stay with me
My baby, say you love me
Stay with me,
stay with me
hitori ni sasenai
I’m a prisoner of love
Prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love
I’m just a prisoner of love
A prisoner of love

With an indifferent face you tell a lie
Laughing until you feel sick
“Let’s have nothing but fun” you said

Feeling blue over desiring the impossible
Everyone is seeking tranquility
You’re struggling, but you’ve had enough
Now you’re chasing after a shadow of love

Since the day you appeared
My dull “everyday”s have begun to shine
Now I‘m able to think, “Feeling loneliness, being in pain - that’s not so bad”
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Through painful times and healthy times,
Stormy days and sunny days,
let’s walk on together

I’m gonna tell you the truth
I chose an unforeseeable painful path
and you came to support me
You’re the only one I can call a friend

Fake displays of strength and avarice have become meaningless
I’ve been in love with you since that day
When I’m free, with time to spare,
there’s no life in being alone
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Oh… Just a little more
Don’t you give up
Oh don’t ever abandon me
If the cruelty of reality tries to tear us apart
We’ll be drawn more closely to one another
Somehow, somehow, I have a feeling we’ll be able to stand firm
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Every day banalities quickly begin to shine brilliantly
You stole my heart that day

Loneliness and pain,
I thought I could deal with
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Stay with me,
stay with me
My baby,
say you love me
Stay with me,
stay with me
Don’t leave me alone again


It came true...

That nagging, abyssal feeling looming over my existence...

Those readings, those predictions...

This intuitive feeling...

It came true...Showed it's true face and bashed the reality out of my skull...


It always beckoned to surface...And finally it came true...

I'm still here...I was ready but not all too good...

But know this...

That oath I have taken, I shall stand true to it.

This truth...It gnaws me, slashes deep at my chest and gnaws off my heart...

But I shall perservere...Through this pain...Even if it wrecks the very foundation of my mentality and shatters my soul...

All broken, shattered...A heart so limp, too shocked to understand this...Going back to that place of isolation...Getting those shields back up...

But the hope of this being momentary burns intense still...

And I shall wait...As you reveal to me a new truth...

So I shall wait...

I will wait.

Because all these times, it felt right...and I constantly reassure myself this is it.

The very thing I need.

All I want in one.

All I need, everything.

So take your time...Ayte?

I'd be here...


New Look

By Shye A.D.



I have unscrewed what I have screwed up.


And now I'm tired...



By Shye A.D.

I have screwed up my blog even more...

This sucks...

And I can't see this upgrade your template button anywhere...


Bad Karma Man~

By Shye A.D.

Time: 10.30pm, 1/9/08, First day Puasa

Location: Tungku Link, near DST-sortofUBD junction.

Alcohol Level: Negative.

Karma-o-meter: Presumably infinitely negative at the time of Occurence.

Occurence classification: Accident.

Occurence Overview: Suzuki Swift 1.3, KL 2410, currently owned by Ak. Shahizwan Shahril, has swerved away from main highway and mercilessly crashed into DST fence at roadside.

He, or me, suffered no serious physical injury except for a cut on the right arm but is currently going through a mild trauma. Stress and depression ensues due to impending problems, especially financial-related ones, and crippled parental guidance.

"Uruskan tia uleh mu sendiri." Says Anonymous...And I quote. T_T

Pics below. *Note* Pics were taken in poor quality because victim, or the "Mangsa", did not own a DSLR or any equivalent and photographer of incident was Mus. *Author is implying directly that Mus is not a good photographer, or he has poor camera.*

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Just an instrument tu further reinforce undestanding on the accident. Lols Wan <---Drain Bamaged.

I seemed to have lost control of the steering wheel,or brakes, or whatever it was and it made me skid off the highway and went crashing in straight into DST's compound fence (fine is imminent). Ugh..I remember getting wide-eyed, as I frantically turned the wheel to gain control of the car but to no avail.Lols...

Two cars stopped by to my aid, or maybe out of curiosity itself, or both, i don't know...A highway patrol came by short after (thankfully, because I was lost in the whole thing at that time)...The driver patrol person told me to call 993 and said someone would come over and said they have to leave because they have duties. T_T

Passenger patrol person said: "Ok ko wang? Nda ko apa-apa? Nada luka apa?"

Wan : " Ah? Oh, nada. Kebeliangan saja ku ah. Eh, amti eh, tekajut ku eh."

PPP : "Atu ara tangan mu atu apa?" *points at bleeding cut on right arm*

Wan, now officially injured : "Eh, awu ah.Luka ku rupanya. Inda ku sadar." *Shyt eh, pikir clean tah eksiden ku ani, luka tia. Spoil rekod...*

Then I called:

-Mr. Anonymous, which was useless. Made me wish my head flew off the windshield in the accident. Biar ia makin paning mikir pasal duit aku betahlil. Sasak ku banar tah nyamu desu. The person who you should both logically and by biological relations turn too turned me down at the time of need. Shyt mother krumping fudger tah nah ko nah.

-Ale, sorry geng ngacau huhu. Good thing I sent you back already. In You, I turn to. Lols. Thanx man...Seriously.

-Mus. All Hail! To Thou, The Most Generous Benefactor! And your brother too...For He, and your brother (who is a very scary driver) has guided me as I walk throught the darkness.

Didn't want to call Mom, because she'd be damn worried and hellbent on racing down to UBD to come and pick me up.

10.4~pm: This Chinese guy stopped by and came down as I waited, all alone, for the 993 ppl to come. Turned out he's an insurance guy, from TAIB.Coincidentally with my car insurance as well. He called for towing.

10.5~pm: Police ppl came, asked a few Qs and recorded damages.

Car was towed to Kilanas. Went there, within the grace of my Benefactor, and brother, to workshop in Kilanas to take my things and zoomed to Police Dpt, BSB for my statement.

"....yang berdaftar KL 2410, Suzuki Toyota Swift...." excerpt from report, of which you had to write yourself. Try guessing what's off here....Muahaha...

Mus helped me with my things up to my hostel and I think I just dozed off after that.

I recall feeling nothing, and yet feeling all the impending burden to come on my shoulders...


A message on my phone woke me up. My sister messaged, seems the news reached them already. Mom called afetr that and said she'd be pickin me up. See?


Hail Mom. The Gracious Mother.

We were in the car otw back when Mom asked when I had the accident.I said 10.30pm. Exactly the same time she suddenly woke up from a seemingly restless sleep. And my step-dad was restless the whole day...

Niicee...We're telepathic. Cool Man~

Step-dad ku plg wah trasa ani. Macam mana kan tu? Ah?Ah? Dihatimu~~

And then all I wanted to do was to lie down in my own room and sleep the day off till sungkai.

It's like all the things to come surrounded me hovering around my space sucking my freakin life out...Wow...

Because I didn't have the strength to do anything else that day...So in Trauma...


So here I am blogging in my room, third day from accident...huhu...My MC is for two days...I might need to go e few places today for the insurance thing.

I think I'll go back home again today...Fuh~~

So that's that.I've omitted a few things because I'm tired of typing. Muahaaha...


Source: Will remain in anonymity. Muahaha.

Gila kali...Sweet toh..Knowing the person..Lols

I'm quite surprised as to how it's still intense,
be it lunching out or just a date, or merely going out,
I'd be outside in the car waiting for you, my heart racing..

As if its a first time...

You never fail to look so perfect,
your smile a flawless work,
Just simply perfect, complete...
Sometimes you'd sport a goofy smile on your face, I can't resist to smile myself...
Everytime you speak, I allow myself to be carried away with your voice,
I'd take hold of your hand every chance I get, because I know when I send you back,
I'd be missing your wamrth...

That gleam in your eyes,
the state of comfort you are in when you're sleeping,
The way you walk, your perfume...
It's like a continuous slideshow in front of my mind's eye...
Every time the memory of our time together pass, it makes me miss you even more.

Sometimes it hurts...
And I wonder if you feel the same too...

I'd listen to the songs you listen, because they remind me of you...
I would hope each night before I sleep you will be beside me,
wishing every time I wake up in the middle of the night, I'd have you to cuddle up to,
every morning wishing I'd be seeing your face before I see the sun and start my day...

Sometimes it's so much of a rush,
that's when I know I'm in love with you,
falling in so deep I don't even want to come back.

Sounds so corny but the hell I care...Giving you a big Me to You teddy bear won't say all of this for me...
Or going out to some fancy restaurant, and all of these wouldn't be written on the menu...

Whatever I felt those few days we met, they are still here...
Those memories chiseled in my mind...

I love you, seriously...Really do...


Spearfish Masak Kicap

By Shye A.D.

I actually typed this yesterday afternoon, only got the chance to post it now...So my post for today will be after yesterday's post.

Location: Thye's Foodcourt
Time: 11.40pm

Fuh…Hiatus break at last…Hye peeps~!

Just got back from my Yoga club meeting back at UBD, and now I’m in the comfort of my minute hostellic sanctum…Lols…

Had quite a chat with the other committees that lasted for about an hour. We were recruiting new members for this 2008/2009 academic session, and a short briefing for the newbies and committee meeting after that.

Frankly speaking, I had been quite ‘dormant’ being the Public Relations person for the club so far, and felt rather guilty initially…Huhu…I took the chance to know them a bit better and get along during our conversation and found out I’m not the only Yoga fanatic…Yay…

Of course, when I refer to myself as being fanatic, I mean theoretically fanatic.

My big task for now is to make the schedule and info poster and post them up all over UBD, as reference to our members for the classes to come. Saw a lot of my juniors signing up, and a guy stuck in a corner.

We were the only guys around at that time. I deduce the general impression of men around campus is that Yoga is feminine.

Try to squat deeply and rest your legs at the back of your elbow and lift your body up, ending up with just your palms on the ground for feminine.

Its called the Crow btw…


There will be a RESCO meeting later on at 7.30, the first for this semester…Yay…

It has been 2 weeks ++ since the start of the semester and I have just started to settle in. Guess what, I actually have a pencil bag and a calculator for this semester~. Woot!

I’ve got a few assignments already at hand…

To sum it all up:

3 month UBD holiday – Has not been very productive, except for going back to OGDC part-timing and I managed to chang my tyres…Yay Wan…

UBD Orientation – Food guardians for a week, two-timing with being a Residential College General Information Person at our table.

Residential College Orientation – It’s awfully weird, but I have never enjoyed being insanely tired. Twas quite a success, and our juniors enjoyed it. So it’s good all in all. And it all took place during the first week of the semester, each night for the whole seven days, which led to:

1st week of semester –
Average sleeping period: 4 hours
· Breakfast: Mineral water and a tablet of multivitamins.
· Nasi katoking for dinner (or supper, or breakfast, whichever is fitting cos we usually go around 12.00am) at Thye’s, Gadong, for four days straight…


2nd week of semester –
Still digesting in the new 2nd Year feeling. My Course Registration Slip fell down the big, abyssal drain behind my faculty, along with my timetable. Had to pay $2 for a new slip…Timetable loss led to a major screw up of my classes, and thus resulted in missing a few lectures.

I'm tired now, so I'll continue on soon...

M out.


Woke up late today, no morning lectures...Till 3pm...

I think I woke up around 9 sumthin...

So what did I do?

Nothing productive...

Took my shower aorund noon and saw a message on my phone after I got back to my room. It was from Hiong, all alone in FOS. Muahahaha...So I bebajued and went down to the canteen and bought a buttermilk bun and a can of soya bean.

Next stop -> Physics tutorial room in FOS.

Ate my food, then Lee phoned Hiong, or vice versa, saying they were at the cafeteria. And so we went there...

Went to the Libraray after that, because Mus and the others had to go for class and Lee n Hiong to the computer literacy thing course. So i spent almost an hour enjoying solitude reading this thick small book on medicinal herbs...

Ever heard of Belladonna? This thing can actually make you high...And there is this herb that can make you sexually high as well...I think its the Belladonna itself...

There was also this book on minerals of the world...I just knew that Quicksilver is actually Mercury...

Had to go to Physics class after that. I managed to not fall asleep...Yay Wan. Then it was Chemistry lecture, of which I was infinitely oblivious to. So I was in astate of confusion when my mates were going to he Chem room...Lol...

Note to self: Get a freakin copy of the timetable, you prick.

Lee brought this chicken salami sandwich to campus, and I ate a piece...Which inspired me to make sandwiches for my packed lunch..Its a part of my budgeting plan; less expenditure...(is this the ryt word?)

Speaking of budgeting, I am afficially freakin broke...

And my laptop's freakin battery is getting freakin low...

Wooh~...Feels a bit free-er bloggin back...

Ooh, ooh...We College Residents are havimg our cleaning campaign tomorrow...Wohoo...

Sarcastically, of course...

Oh well..I'll update again soon...Hopefully...

I need to post this before my laptop dies out...

Bubye Yous....


This blog is subject to hiatus for a while...

And I have the devil for a brother...


All my pics in my other phone are gone...And I blame him...




By Shye A.D.


I have not finished editing the pics...




By Shye A.D.

Customer : If I post this letter tonight, will it get to Delhi in two days time?

Post Master : Yes sir, it definitely will.

Customer : I bet you, it won't. Post Master : Why not?

Customer : It's addressed to Mumbai.


Ayam Masak Daging

By Shye A.D.


I know, I know…It’s been quite some time…Serious case of Aymaprokrastinatore Syndrome….Huhu…This is just a prelude though…

There is less than three weeks till I get back to Uni…

Nothing much so far…Just getting ready for a few upcoming activities and events, currently focusing on the Little Entomologist, of which will include a bit on Taxidermy…

Studying insects, identifying the different common species…And learning on how to preserve them…

According to Albert, they should be soaked in at least 70% alcohol for some time (forgot how long, need to check this back…) and dry them in the oven for about 24 hours…

That’s for the hard-bodied insects, like beetles and ladybugs…Not quite suitable for dragonflies and caterpillars, lest your mind is a bit off from the leeway and decides to do Kitchen Science: Baking Your Common Pests! sort of thing, then go ahead…

Then there is the Tech Challenge. This thing is sort of a mini-engineering task where you are given a situation and materials, and build something out of the provided latter. Secondary schools all over would be participating….


Got a call a few days ago from the Student’s Welfare back at Uni, informing me that there will be a seminar in ICC (International Convention Centre, right?) from this 24th to 28th and apparently my name is on the list…Hmm…Seems like I’d be in the hostel quite sooner than I planned…Oh well…

I just need to finish up a few things at work so I wouldn’t be burdened by any bad karmic bondage later on by leaving abruptly…Huhu….

Ooh, ooh…I had sudden realizations on a few things during my ‘Pondering Moments’…Lols..

- My English is degrading, especially in writing…I feel like my vocabulary store is diminishing…Noticed this when I became conscious on how simpler the sentences I made…

- The subsistence allowance from Uni is given on a monthly basis, and is usually out at the end of the first week of a month…So this is what I have been doing the past few months, which led to serious bankruptcy towards the end of the month…

The total allowance they give is $300, so I’ll just take this value for my explanation ignoring all other expenses I pay for. In a month, there’s around 30 days, so in order to survive financially till the next month, is to allow myself to spend $10 per day, of course being flexible sometimes, and try to balance myself out, meaning to say if I use more today, I’ll use less tomorrow…

I’ve already stated that it comes out normally at the need of the first week, say the 7th.

It is this information that I miraculously overlooked all this while…

With all the budgeting plans and surveys I have made for myself, that $300 is enough to sustain me for 30 days, but all this while I have been depending on an amount far lesser for 30 days, grasping onto the fact that it’ll come out exactly at the end of the month…


Because I allow myself to spend very the muchly the first and second day I receive the allowance (I’m sort of carrying forward the money)…Since it comes out on the 7th and there would only be around 23 days to the next allowance…When there is actually 30…

You jive? Lol…

I have miscalculated….Ugh…

I have yet to shop for my hostel necessities…And stationery for the next semester…I could still recall a moment during revision week (final month of last semester) when I was erasing something I wrote and it felt like that was the first time I used an during the whole semester so far…

I wonder why I allowed myself to be deprived of stationeries…Hmm…

7.30pm: Was at Iskandar’s house for a tour I have been anticipating for quite some time…Not to a great extent though…Haha…Just kiddin Is..

Three words: Minimalistic, white, and verycoolpillars. Seriously, I have fallen for the pillars at your house…Lols…

Then we were off to a meeting with the Youth and Sports people for the impending Xtreme Skateboards Competition…

Highlight of meeting: Yummy Roti Johns….Huu..

Went back home and died instantly when I came in contact with my pillow…

Woke up and felt like a zombie, decided I need to reboot and slept back…

Till Nisa, my colleague, called and asked if could pick her up on the way to work…Dragged myself out of my comfy sleeping zone with half a brain still dead asleep…

Went to work and I still feel like a sloth zombie…

1.15pm: Seriously, my whole existence is celebrating the glorifications of ‘Sloth Zombie Day’….Made myself a semi-hot drink of a tablespoon of Nescafe and ever so generous multiple scoopfuls of Milo, and it didn’t help….Gawd…

Went out with Nisa and Pijah just now. I wanted to go to Guardian a buy a few stuff and Pijah wants to survey some car…So I went to Guardian after the survey and bught shampoo an toothpaste and was looking around and saw this Xpertise Tummy slimming thing…$27.XX…Forgot the price, its in the car….Heheh…Yeah I bought the thing, without a second thought…



By Shye A.D.

Sorry for the hiatus..

Will update in the near future...Still editin the pics...heheh


This is a performance by 21 Chinese deaf dancers I go from Youtube...There's a nother video where they performed in the Beijing Paralympics too...


Ghost in the Car

By Shye A.D.

6.56pm 23rd June

When I'm bored at home, this is what I do; take my keys and go off on a journey to KB, chilling out in the car while I'm cruising around.

No matter what the time is...

Because I'm a bit of an insomniac...No matter how early or late I sleep, I tend to wake at the most odd, illogical hours...

Like this morning...Kinda woke up around 4 am...Took my keys and I was off to cruise the hell out...LOL.

So this was what happened...

4.46 am: I was on my way back to Seria and signalled to make a right turn, but I decided against it and just went straight rather abruptly and looked backed just to see if there is any car at the back and if I;ve pissed them of..Huhu...

When I looked back there was a car, can't make out what it was though, maybe an Echo...So it got rather close, mildly tailgating me...Hmm..

So I signalled right for the next junction and looked back through the rear-view and realised the car got closer...

I nade a sharp turn for the junction, because I was rather sleepy and there were no cars...So as soon as I did, I looked back again and the car wasn't there...

Theory 1: The car was at such a high speed that it just passed me when I was turning...Then again, it was rather too close to my car when I was turning and it was as if it was making the turn as well. Also, if the car was speeding it would have slowed down significantly and overtake me from the left in such a speed that I would be able to see it still, taking into account the time I made the turn and looked back was rather short.

Theory 2: Its a freaking ghost.

Theory 3: I am a Taurean, as the Sun was in Taurus when I was born.

Theory 4: I was gangraped by mad pixies, died a horrible death and what is left of me is just a blogging spirit with a screwed up memory. Then again, its rather impossible..To the logical mind.

Theory 5: My housecat Tompok hypnotised me...

So yeah...Hmm...


I have finally managed to make my fettucine sauce smooth...I let the cream cheese soften to room temperature and beaten it till it was smooth and added the milk and mixed it again...

Yay Wan...

I'm in OGDC now, preparing for our Traffic Games Finale rehearsal for tomorrow...Huhu...

Oh well, till later peeps...


Wooh. had a very interesting week...And it's so much better having something to do at work rather than involuntarily rotting at home, pitying myself on how broke I am....Huhu....

Traffic games went fine...You can go to Iskandarworld for some pics...I took a few with my phone but those are subject to my Photoshop experiments heheh...So it'll take a while before I'm posting any of them...

I've been looking through a few materials and they somewhat gave me new inspirations...I predict a brush-downloading spree soon...

From what I've heard, the confirmed date for all RESCOleans to go back to the hostel is the 14th of July...Hmm...

For the pre-UBDians, your grand orientation would be on the 28th of July, and it'll be going on for about a week, and for those who are applying for the residential college, you peeps are in for another orientation week, starting 3rd August, specially for you...Huihuihui...As was told...

My prayers to you peeps, as the offer list is not out yet, and I assume some of you are half-dead wriggling from the heat of anticipation...LOL.

Just watch out for the ITB orientation, last year our list came out exactly on the last day of their orientation week. And as for the ITBians, I heard rumours that the list will be out on the last few days of this month...Oh well...

Patience, dear peeps, patience...


I'm currently in Manggis onlining, and its my off day tomorrow huhu...

I'm finding it hard to type, this thing is just too high...Or maybe I'm too tall for this thing...Oh yeah, I'm in a cybercafe btw...

What else...

Hmm...Here are a few amazing stuff I've learned so far...

- If Brunei has her own satellite, our internet would be much faster...If I can recall it correctly, we are currently using Sigapore's satellite...And a satellite costs around a few hundred million dollars...huhu...

- Ever wondered how we are always complaining about DST since time immemorial? LOL. Yeah well, we pay a few cents for internet right? And at some places it's just hard to connect to the internet, and it costs one cent per trial. Imagine, in that area, there are about 50 people trying to connect, but couldn't, and loses one cent for that. So we have lost a total of 50 cents collectively. Now try imagining this thing going on for about a week, so that makes (50 cents x 7 days) = $3.50. But of course, in reality this doesn't happen, because we tend to hold on to hope and the faith we have in DST and tries to connect again...

So now we have the situation where the 50 people tries to connect more than once (n). So. in a week, that makes a loss of $3.50 x n...Where n can be any number more than one, say 10. SO thats $35.00...

Now take into account the number of DST users (u) in Brunei having connection problems in their area and the period of this problem in days (t)...Do the math...Heheh...

So, u x n x t x $0.01 = $.........

Just a thought flying around my head...

Hmm I think I'll stop for now...Huhu..

Bubye peeps....


Brain teasers...

By Shye A.D.

Here are a few questions for you huhu...


A bear walks down south one kilometre, then west one kilometre and north
one kilometre, finally ending up at the same starting point. What colour is the


You walk two kilometres north in a straight line, but when you look at the map, you find out that you actually walked one kilometre north and one kilometre south. How is that possible?

Huhuhu...You can answer by using he comment link below hehehe...I'll post up the ans soon..



By Shye A.D.

I just found out my clolleague is a narcoleptic...

"Sleeping disorders - Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a rare disorder. People with this disorder fall asleep spontaneously in broad daylight. Usually this happens when they are overwhelmed by intense emotions. They fall asleep from the one moment to the next. They sleep for a few minutes and then they awake again.

It is quite normal to fall asleep in daytime when you are very tired. A boring lesson at school can make it more difficult to stay awake. A lot of teenagers daydream in class.

Narcolepsy is something completely different from daydreaming. People with narcolepsy don't fall asleep slowly. They fall asleep very abrupt. In theory, this disorder is very hilarious. In real life it is not. People with narcolepsy can fall asleep when driving a car. Thus this disorder can cause very dangerous situations."


Just thought I wanted to share this...Haha



By Shye A.D.

Rushed back from Bandar just now around 5 and got to Seria around 5.40 something. Went straight home, changed my clothes and zoomed to OGDC.

I have to prepare stationeries and calculators for tomorrow...

Because tomorrow, is the preliminary round for the Traffic Games. 35 schools, three days, and thre dollars in my wallet...Hmm...I'd be one of the peeps in charge of calculating the scores for the whole three days...Yay...

So yeah, this is the...one...two...five...nine...gamma...oh yeah, fourth day in OGDC. I do have to say, I miss this place...



I was planning on taking pics with my phone from inside the car on the way back to Seria, but then again, i was goin on more than 103km/hr so i decided against it...Huhu...

I was surfing the net a few days ago and downloaded new brushes from deviantart.com for my Adobe photoshop...Gawd, look what I have in my collection now...Hee...

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I downloaded the brushes separately and mixed the up into this thing..Heheh...Credits to Bleeding Dragon,Invisiblesnow and Redheadstock. (http://www.deviantart.com/)

I'll end this post here...I have a flag to make...



Masters of Deception

By Shye A.D.

June 13, 2008

Woke up around 8 yesterday (12th June 2008) and I just had this strong feeling to go to OGDC, weirdly enough…

So I cooked my breakfast, took a shower and went off around 10am. Looked like there was a visit going on, since there were these big buses at the parking lots of OGDC, so I decided to cruise around KB…

Went to Soon Lee Megamart, and parked there for a while because I needed to change my CD and all my other CDs are at the back taking the form of an abstract mess at the backseat. Changed the CD and somehow I got this idea to rake pictures from my Nokia 6600 from within the car while cruising around KB and post them up as a start of something new for my blog…Heheh…

So I did…Took around 40 pics but I just had these posted up because editing all of them would take too long and I need to sleep early now…

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Soon Lee, PJN Highschool (my secondary years), SM Sayyidina Ali, (A level years), the new library

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On the way back to OGDC from KB…Billionth Barrel, and a few shots of OGDC…

So this was what happened, I went to OGDC after the cruise and straight to the exhibition hall, where I was in for quite a surprise when I realized OGDC has new exhibits to…exhibit; Illusions & Puzzles…

Hilfi asked whether I’d be coming the next day, which is today, for the launching…And my brain registered it as an invitation, so I said yes.

He showed me around and I was in awe…Serioulsy, not because the Head of OGDC might be reading this blog too, but I was seriously amazed.

So, therefore, dear Ladies & Gentlepeople…*hint,hint*

It really wouldn’t hurt that much spending a couple of dollars for something you don’t see in your daily life and things you wouldn’t have known till the day you reach that part of life where they say it’s the end and you get to be buried unless you go here…Lol…Ooh ooh, you can even move a ball with your mind here! Woohoo!

I’ll take a few more pics, just enough to give a preview, and post them up soon k…Heheh

So I went around OGDC, ever so reminiscing my times here, and catching up with Albert, who I have intellectual conversations with.

Bla bla bla…And then Iskandar, Head of OGDC, asked if I wanted to work…

HEFF Yeah!! (were F = L)

So yeah, I was back in the team in just after a few exchange of words after that question.
There was a sort of a workshop for the team after work by Albert, where he’d be explaining on a few things we needed to know…or such.

After that it was the Intensive Preparation for Tomorrow’s Lauching Phase, where it dragged on till 2am, huhu…

It was worth it, as today was quite well, as in no gargantuan pink dragon decides to land on OGDC or being rained down upon by green-blue meteors containing Cat Zombies from the Moon.

So yeah…Hoot!

Took a few pics today too…

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Thanx to Ben, the orange guy, ex-OGDCean/Top 10 Brunei’s Top Models

It was tiring right after, and I was impossibly full…a serious case of the Severe Acute Aymapikg Syndrome…

Went home and just relaxed before I took a shower. And after that, I sat my ass down and started blogging and editing.

Editing these pics up makes me rather giddy huhu…

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Took a few pics at home for me to play around with Photoshop…




Wuh~, I’m done…Well that’s all for today and I’ll post this up tomorrow…

Bubye peeps.