I just found out my clolleague is a narcoleptic...
"Sleeping disorders - Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is a rare disorder. People with this disorder fall asleep spontaneously in broad daylight. Usually this happens when they are overwhelmed by intense emotions. They fall asleep from the one moment to the next. They sleep for a few minutes and then they awake again.
It is quite normal to fall asleep in daytime when you are very tired. A boring lesson at school can make it more difficult to stay awake. A lot of teenagers daydream in class.
Narcolepsy is something completely different from daydreaming. People with narcolepsy don't fall asleep slowly. They fall asleep very abrupt. In theory, this disorder is very hilarious. In real life it is not. People with narcolepsy can fall asleep when driving a car. Thus this disorder can cause very dangerous situations."
Just thought I wanted to share this...Haha
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