Just something that has been kept up inside.
Oh yeah, you know what?
I think I've just screwed up my life.
You see, I'm taking Bachelor of Biotechnology. It's a twinning program; 2 years here and 2 years in Windsor, Canada. And the catch is that I need to get an average C+ for my 4 semesters here.
Well...I think you've guessed it. I'm not doing well. I've never cried this much when I think of my future ad academics.
Oh well, they say for all the shit that happens, there is always a reason. Always something good to counter the bad.
All I can do now is wait, and try.
May God hear me...
Do not abandon me.
I will pray not for you to turn back time, to erase my mistakes.
In You I confide, for Thou art Most Gracious.
I fully realise all that is bad comes from me. You have opened so many doors for me and I have been ignorant to choose the right one.
I fully realise no matter how much of my tears fall, not a single one would add a mark to my grade.
Dear God, Most Merciful...
I pray unto Thee, I beseech Thee.
If I fail this course, instill patience into the hearts of my Father, my Mother.
Pour into them your Light, so they may have patience.
Let my Father feel not any dissappointment and sorrow.
Let not my Mother cry a single tear, I ask You to hold back her sadness.
From Thee all goodness come.
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